bale up

[bale up]
[bale up]


bale up 戽起;涉起: They baled up some fishes with a net. 他们用网舀起一些鱼。 (不情愿地)全部付账;立刻交付: She baled up her money on receiving the bill. 她收到账单后勉强付了账。 [俚语]把钱立刻交出来: The rogues were satisfied with her bale up. 歹徒们见她把钱立刻交了出来,便满足了。



bale up



🎯 重点记忆:

  • 单词拼写:bale up
  • 核心含义:bale up 戽起;涉起: They baled up some fishes with a net. 他们用网舀起一些鱼。 (不情愿地)全部付账;立刻交付: She baled up her money on receiving the bill. 她收到账单后勉强付了账。 [俚语]把钱立刻交出来: The rogues were satisfied with her bale up. 歹徒们见她把钱立刻交了出来,便满足了。
  • 相关含义:涉起: They baled up some fishes with a net. 他们用网舀起一些鱼。 (不情愿地)全部付账、立刻交付: She baled up her money on receiving the bill. 她收到账单后勉强付了账。 [俚语]把钱立刻交出来: The rogues were satisfied with her bale up. 歹徒们见她把钱立刻交了出来,便满足了。